- When can my puppy be spayed or neutered?
We recommend that a dog be spayed (ovarioshysterectomy) or neutered (castrated) at four months of age. In some cases, the surgery can be performed earlier than four months, but if at all possible should be performed by six months of age.
- When can my kitten be spayed or neutered?
Kittens can have this surgery performed anytime after they weigh at least three pounds (this is usually between three to four months of age.)
- My pet is older than six months. Is it too late for a spay/neuter procedure?
Performing these procedures later in life can still have benefits, such as decreased roaming, avoiding "heat" cycles, and decreased chance of prostate or uterine problems.
- My kitten is destroying the furniture. Do I need to have her declawed?
Cats scratch on objects both as a way to sharpen their nails and as territorial marking. Often, if you provide a desirable place for this, such as a scratching post, your kitten can be trained not to ruin your furniture. Sometimes, however, declawing is a necessity. If needed, this surgery should be performed as early as possible before your kitten becomes full grown. Smaller kittens show less discomfort after surgery.
- I have found a lost dog (or cat). How can I find the owner?
Check the animal closely for any sign of identification such as a rabies tag, tattoo, or other ID tag. If you live in the city limits, call the Police Department to contact the Animal Control Officer. The Animal Control officer and local veterinarians have micrcochip scanners and will be able to see if the animal has had this type of identification implanted. You can also call the local shelters, veterinarians, and your neighbors to see if anyone is missing a pet. KYOO radio station and the local papers also provide ways to locate the owner.
- I think my dog/cat has worms. What should I do?
There are several types of parasites of dogs and cats. Treatment with the correct product is necessary for success. Refer to the article provided here titled: "Why Does My Pet Keep Having Worms?"
- My dogs keep "scooting" on the floor. Why?
Rubbing their rear on the floor is usually a sign that your dog has some kind of irritation in that area. It can be as simple as a rash, or fecal material stuck in the hair. Most commonly it is due to enlarged anal glands. These glands can be checked, and if needed, "expressed" at our office to give your pet relief.
- Why is my cat/dog shaking its head and scratching its ears?
Usually this is due to some type of ear infection. This can be from bacteria, yeast, mites, or a foreign body. You should always have an examination performed to identify the cause. Left untreated, serious problems can happen and treatment can be much more expensive.